Monday, January 25, 2010

Because I have to stay awake during my midnight shift, I present to you...
5 Comics I'm Looking Forward To This Wee
k, With Haikus!

Titles in alphabetical order. And don't hate on me if I failed to make a proper haiku.

Batman and Robin #7
No more Philip Tan
How we miss Mr. Quitely
Stewart will suffice

Fantastic Four #575
Mole Man returneth
Hickman makes FF good again
Great jumping on point

GI Joe Cobra II #1
First series was great
for classic Joe fans or not
Everyone must read

Punisher #13
Frank Castle is dead
Franken-Castle is brilliant
Yay for bold stories

Unknown Soldier #16
Real-world issues told
through classic DC title
Haunting war stories

Also looking forward to:
Amazing Spider-Man #619 - Catching up with the whole Brand New Day stuff so I probably won't get to this for awhile.
Avengers Initiative #32 - I Don't read this title but I'm on board for the whole Seige thing and as Dark Wolverine proved last week, big things can happen in the peripheral titles.
Chew #8
Daredevil #504
Detective Comics #861 - I unfortunately missed out on the new direction but this looks like a good jumping on point.
New Avengers #61 - I'm on Team Bucky.
Northlanders #24
Sword #21
Walking Dead #69

1 comment:

    My 'puter is down so I can't read comics right now, but I too am looking forward to more Batman & Robin.
    As for SIEGE, I'm interested. Interested in the same way I'm interested in watching the aftermath of a horrible car accident. There will be good, if someone lives, there will be bad, if someone dies, and there will be the ugly of it, all the gawkers like myself who have nothing better to do with thier lives than watch the aftermath of a car wreck. In a way this is Marvel Comics for me now, and that makes me sad.
    As for Hickman & his FF run, it's as close to Byrne's AMAZING 80's run as I can remember, and this is coming from someone who absolutely swears by Waid's last run. On a side note Secret Warriors is also VERY good. AND Franken-Castle is F'N INSPIRED! I'll keep reading Detective as long as Rucka keeps writing it. As for the periphial Avengers titles, there so damn hit and miss. I'm interested in seeing what comes out of this whole new "Heroic Age" at Marvel. Last but not least, I hate to say this but I'm getting bored of Walking Dead.

    Oh and Haiku's are a stroke of PURE BRILLIANCE! I'm glad your back to the Blog!
